Medical History (Part One)
Set as a continuation and foil to his 2014 performance Medical History (Part Two), Medical History (Part One) will complete the cycle of mark making to conceal a time passed by and a future not yet arrived. Through the use of special effects makeup the artist’s body will appear whole and untouched, while under the surface years of medical intervention and health trauma is ruminating, a journey that has evolved, devolved and revolved back again to some form of stability.
Where Part Two confronted the physical deterioration of his body and meditated on upcoming invasive surgical procedures, Part One carries the radical embodiment of resilience and adaptation and seeks to bridge the gaps between those trades.
Set in a loosely interpreted Operating Theater, Medical History (Part One), continues to share Dominic’s questioning of time, the believability of his body, anxiety, and the voyeuristic nature of the hospital environment.
Medical History (Part One) is the completion of this performance diptych. Medical History (Part Two) was performed at Eastside International gallery in Los Angeles, CA in 2014, one year before Dominic’s double lung transplant.